“For a country that respects the rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals and intersex people and with zero tolerance for discrimination”

LGBTI Pride Day commemorates the events of June 28, 1969, a day marked by the Stonewall riots that took place in New York (USA) and which are considered to mark the beginning of the gay liberation movement, when the LGBTI community went out to the streets in peaceful demonstrations to raise awareness and demand equal legal and social rights and fight against the discrimination and abuse suffered.
Despite the progress made in international law in the acknowledgment of these rights, the LGBTI community is still outlawed, persecuted and punished in 76 countries.
In this regard, Catalonia has led the advancement in the recognition of LGBTI rights through the approval of Law 11/2014 of October 10, that guaranteed the rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals and intersex people, and eradicate homophobia, biphobia and transphobia, and which was driven by the tenacious efforts of Catalonia’s LGBTI entities.
The recent events in Orlando, in which 50 people were killed during an attack at a LGTBI club, prove that lesbophobia, homophobia, biphobia and transphobia, regrettably, continue to be a current and global issue. Laws progress and so do societies, but there is still intolerance towards people who turn love and diversity into a banner. People are still being victims of hate, discrimination and being killed because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Orlando was a slaughter; it is a symbol of intolerance and fear, but also one of the struggle for civil rights.
Catalonia and its institutions wish to express their firm pledge for equal rights and liberties as well as their commitment to the development and recognition of LGBTI rights and the fight against discrimination, so it can become a pillar of social progress and of a national construct where everyone is free to love whomever and however they want.
On this day, June 28, the Government of Catalonia wishes to express, once again its commitment for these rights to become effective by displaying the rainbow flag at its Seat. We wish to extend this symbolic gesture to all the administrations, and we encourage local governments and Catalan institutions, as well as civil society, to fly the rainbow flag to commemorate the events that turned June 28 into an international day.
Furthermore, the Government also wishes to express Catalonia’s permanent and active commitment to the fight against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in general, and to continue developing the 11/2014 Law of October 10, as a powerful tool to guarantee equal rights for the LGBTI community. To move forward towards a respectful and diverse country where social normality allows the LGBTI community to be as they are, without being afraid and having equal rights, where there is zero tolerance for discrimination based on sexual orientation and identity.