- The Catalan Government responds to the Constitutional Court’s latest ruling against various precepts of Catalan fiscal, financial and administrative laws

Shortly after Constitutional Court’s ruling on various Catalan fiscal, financial and administrative laws, Spokeswoman Neus Munté, announced that the Government of Catalonia would continue to “work intensively in accordance with the democratic mandate of the 27-S” and establish the necessary state structures, such as the Catalan Tax Agency and the Catalan Social Protection Agency. “If we analyse the precepts suspended by the Court’s decision, we can see that the actual effect on the normal functioning of these state structures is minimal”, she added.
During the press conference, held on Thursday at the Palau la Generalitat, Munté affirmed that the ruling was “in response to an appeal lodged by a Partido Popular government which had an absolute majority before, but is now an acting government”. “Once again, we were made aware of the Constitutional Court's ruling through the press, not by the Court”, she also noted in criticism of the way the news of the ruling was released.
Munté explained that the outcome of the 27-S elections resulted in “a democratic mandate that the Junts pel Sí administration is following by the book”, therefore, the Catalan Government is firmly “committed to building its own state structures and draw up the necessary regulatory frameworks”, she added.
Furthermore, the Minister of the Presidency explained that the Government will continue ahead “with the Catalan Tax Agency and the Agency for Social Protection”, affirming the former was not suspended because “it is recognised in the Statute and it is an essential tool for all states”. Neus Munté also noted that “the ruling preserves the regulation that created the Catalan Agency for Social Protection” and therefore “will continue with its regular functioning as planned by Parliament”.