• President Puigdemont at the Crans Montana Fourm: “We cannot ignore the Mediterranean’s humanitarian crisis”
  • Carles Puigdemont reiterates that the Government of Catalonia “has made a direct offer to the European Commission to receive thousands of refugees"
Crans Montana Fourm
President Puigdemont during his speech at the Crans Montana Fourm
The President of the Government of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont, reaffirmed his commitment to adopt “a new role for Catalonia in the international arena to continue building a fairer and more prosperous society”. The Head of the Executive went on to indicate that “Catalonia has always looked to Europe and the Mediterranean” and, “now, more than ever, we need stronger collaborations to play a larger and more active role in international events in a changing, globalised world”.
Puigdemont made these statements during the opening of the Crans Montana Forum, which this year is holding its 28th annual session in Barcelona under the title Which World for Tomorrow? The opening ceremony, held at the National Institute of Physical Education of Catalonia (INEFC), also included the participation of the President of Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro; the President of Macedonia, Gjorge Ivanov; and the Deputy Prime Minister of Cambodia, Samdech Kralahom Sar Kheng, among other international dignitaries. The Secretary General for Sport, Gerard Figueras, accompanied the President.
In his speech during the inauguration, Carles Puigdemont stated that “we are a country that is seeking involvement in the construction of a common Euro-Mediterranean project to improve Europe’s role in the promotion of peace and development and in the fight against new threats”.
In this regard, the President stated that “we cannot ignore the humanitarian crisis taking place in Mediterranean countries so close to home”. He also stressed that “our citizens are demanding that we do something without delay” and explained that the Government of Catalonia “has made a direct offer to the European Commission to take thousands of refugees”.
In this context, the Puigdemont went on to say that “migratory and commercial movements have made us an open, plural and diverse society” and “the challenges of the world are the challenges of Catalonia, a Mediterranean country that faces these challenges with intensity and wants to contribute to their resolution with decisive action”.
The Crans Montana Fourm is a non-governmental organisation established in Switzerland in 1986. The first annual meeting was held in 1990 on the subject of political and economic reconstruction in post-Cold War Europe. The subjects covered in the Barcelona session, which ends on 8 July, will include: the environment and climate change, migratory processes, the governance of sport and the strengthening of the influence of women in the changes that society needs.



President Puigdemont and the President of Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca

President Puigdemont and the President of Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca 887

President Puigdemont greets Macedonia president Gjorge Ivanov

President Puigdemont greets Macedonia president Gjorge Ivanov 1013