• According to a report produced by the Ministry of Business and Knowledge and the Ministry for Digital Policy and Public Administration, Catalan enterprises operating in the sector have a combined turnover of €1.36 billion
  • 92% of Catalan companies in the AI sector are SMEs
  • AI is a young sector: 71.5% of firms have been active in this area for less than 10 years and 63% are start-ups
  • Despite this, 27% are already exporting, which shows that the sector is one with strong international potential
Artificial intelligence strategy aims to make Catalonia a leader in knowledge, research, and the creation and application of AI-based solutions that promote economic growth and improve people's lives.
In Catalonia, there are 179 companies operating in the field of artificial intelligence. These enterprises currently employ 8,483 people and have a combined turnover of €1.36 billion for activities linked to artificial intelligence, even though AI is still an emerging technology. These figures are reported in a study on artificial intelligence in Catalonia produced by ACCIÓ (the Agency for Business Competitiveness, which reports to the Ministry of Business and Knowledge) and the Ministry for Digital Policy and Public Administration.
Artificial intelligence (AI) strategy for Catalonia
The Catalan artificial intelligence ecosystem identified in the study positions Catalonia as a global technology hub in AI that is well placed to lead the development and adoption of artificial intelligence in southern Europe.
To pursue this goal, the government is developing an artificial intelligence strategy for Catalonia, known as CATALONIA.AI, through the Ministry for Digital Policy. The strategy will set out a programme of actions to support development of the AI ecosystem.
The strategy aims to make Catalonia a leader in knowledge, research, and the creation and application of AI-based solutions that promote economic growth and improve people’s lives.