“The Digital Government Congress shows that the administration and Catalan public sector are drivers of digital innovation”, said the Minister for Digital Policy and Public Administration, Jordi Puigneró, at the presentation of this year’s edition of the congress. Puigneró said the forum will be a meeting point for “connecting revolutionary experiences that enable us to address the needs of digitally empowered citizens”.
According to Minister Puigneró, the government has very ambitious projects to ensure that the Catalan administration is a model of efficiency in the 21st century. He also announced that in the coming months the government will be discussing a new decree on digital administration that will set out “a new way to proactively offer customised services, and a change in the way public-facing staff work”.
The congress is aimed at political, legal and technical managers working in government agencies, and directors and experts in the private sector. Participants will take part in eighty sessions and nine roundtables on the following topics:
1. Digital governance
2. Cultural change in the administration
3. Digital trust
4. Digital identities
5. Digital, proactive and customised public services
6. Advanced technologies
7. Infrastructure
The congress aims to address new challenges related to the social, economic and cultural revolution that the digital society entails.