The Minister for Foreign Action, Institutional Relations and Transparency, Alfred Bosch, has published an article in 13 foreign media outlets, calling on the international community to act in response to the verdict against Catalan political and civil leaders, sentenced to 100 years in prison, and describing the ruling as a “historic error”. The minister argues that the Supreme Court decision to convict them “only worsens the current state of affairs” and shows that the issue of Catalonia is “no longer an internal affair of Spain”.
Bosch therefore calls on the international community to “take on an active role in helping to resolve the conflict” and to demand “democratic and negotiated solutions”, which, he notes, is what the Government of Catalonia and Catalan society have always pursued. “Dialogue is the only way forward,” Bosch writes. The minister also warns that the ruling affects fundamental rights, not only in Catalonia, but in Europe as a whole: “Fundamental rights are at stake in Europe and European democrats cannot remain silent.”
Bosch also expresses disappointment with caretaker PM Pedro Sánchez, who he says “has neither the will nor capacity to move forward” to find a solution to the political situation in Catalonia. “Criminalising voting is never the answer, but rather the opposite,” the minister writes. “Democracy must prevail. The welfare of future generations depends on this.”
The article comes out today or tomorrow in 13 international media outlets: Politico (EU), Le Soir (Belgium), La Stampa (Italy), Publico (Portugal), The National (Scotland), The Irish Times (Ireland), Corriere del Ticino (Switzerland), Delfi (Baltic states), Eesti Paëvaleht (Estonia), Jutarnji List (Croatia), Hufvudstabsbladet (Finland), Morgunbladid (Iceland) and Heraldo de México (Mexico).