- They are the basic payment aids, the greening payment, the supplementary aid for youth, and the small farmers scheme aid
A total of 41,834 beneficiaries will receive this week 70% of the amount of direct aid from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) which will be paid by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food (DARP) of the Catalan Government. This amount corresponds to the basic payment aids, the green payment or greening, the supplementary aid for youth, and the small farmers scheme aid requested through the Agrarian Declaration 2020. Direct aids are part of the so-called first pillar of aid from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), it is 100% financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF), and its annual budget available in Spain is more than €4,000 million, and €265 million of it are managed in Catalonia.
Following Covid-19 pandemic, this has been a complex and exceptional campaign in relation to all the previous ones. When the application procedure to submit the Agrarian Declaration had already started, the lockdown came into force and everything had to be done online. All the 2020 applications were submitted through the website platform before the deadline, which was extended both for direct aids (first pillar) and sustainability and competitiveness aid (second pillar).
For further information: http://agricultura.gencat.cat/ca/detalls/Noticia/201110_not_pagament_bestreta_ajuts_directes_2020