Citizens residing abroad registered in the Census of Absent-Resident Voters will be able to request the vote until 19th January, while the deadline for sending the vote by mail is extended to 12th February
The Central Electoral Commission has agreed to extend the deadlines for requesting the vote from abroad and applying for the vote by mail. Citizens living abroad registered in the Census of Absent-Resident Voters (CERA) who want to vote in the Parliament elections can send the voting application until the 19th January, instead of the 16th January. In these elections, it is necessary to count a total of 255,087 voters residing abroad registered in the CERA.
The deadline for sending the vote by mail is until the 12th February
On the other hand, the Central Electoral Commission has also resolved the extension of the deadline for sending the vote by mail, which ended on the 10th February and is extended until the 12th Friday. Therefore, voters applying for the vote by mail can send their applications until the 4th February, and the deadline to send the vote will end at 2 p.m. on the 12th Friday.
Due to COVID-19 pandemic, voting by mail in 2021 elections can be requested electronically using a digital certificate for the first time and there is no need to go to the Post Office. People will be able to exercise their right to vote by mail when the postal employee delivers the electoral documentation, personally delivering the electoral envelope. The Post Office employee will give the voter a voting proof form in order to avoid a second visit to the Post Office. If the voter prefers it, he/she will be able to send the vote by certified mail from a Post Office, no later than the 12th February at 2 p.m.
As of 3rd January, around 12,000 postal voting applications have been received, a much higher figure than in the same period of 2017 elections. More than half of them have been sent electronically through IDCat Certificate, electronic ID or other valid digital certificates.