The Minister of Health, Alba Vergés, reiterated today in a press conference the need to minimize social interaction "during these 10 key days", in which new restrictions come into force, such as the mobility beyond the municipality. "We live in a complicated situation, but vaccination is underway and we are taking the right pace", said the Minister of Health before specifying that 55% of the people vaccinated are residents in nursing homes, and that 1 every 4 residents in nursing homes in Catalonia have already received the first dose.


Vergés also said that next week about 100,000 doses of the second vaccine approved against COVID, Moderna vaccine, will gradually arrive in Catalonia. "We hope 2021 will start differently than 2020, but the need to control this epidemic is still present", summed up Vergés before admitting that the caring situation is complicated, both due to the challenge of primary care to detect cases and the high number of people admitted to hospitals and ICUs.