- The Index of Business Confidence in Catalonia increases by 5% during the First Quarter of 2021
- All sectors experience an increase in business confidence except hospitality and transport (0.6%)
- Industry and construction, with 8.3% and 8.0%, respectively, lead the sectors where confidence has improved, followed by the rest of the services (4.7%) and trade (2.9%)
The index decreased by 16.7% compared to the same quarter last year, business confidence is affected in all sectors and in the case of hospitality and transport this decrease is very sharp, by 34.9% year-on-year. This is followed by smaller declines in other services (-16.5%), construction (-16.3%), trade (-14.7%) and industry (-9.5%).
All establishments recorded an improvement in confidence compared to the previous quarter, except for establishments of 1,000 or more employees (-5.7%). The increase in the index starts at 10.8% in establishments with 50 to 199 employers and, in smaller establishments (less than 10 employers), starts at 2.2%.
By cameral demarcations, the index shows positive evolutions compared to the previous quarter.
The Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona and the rest of the chambers of Barcelona record the highest increase (4.9% and 6.8%, respectively), followed by the Chambers of Girona (4.7%), the Chambers of Tarragona (4.5%) and the Chambers of Lleida (2.5%).