- The objective is to show them safe migration alternatives and the opportunities their territory can offer
The government has authorized the signing of the agreement between the Government of Catalonia and the committee’s partners for the management of the Shababuna project; our youth: informed and well prepared to decide their future! within the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) of the European Commission under the subject nº 4: campaigns of information and awareness on irregular migration risks in third countries and Europe. The Fund is managed by the Directorate-General for Interior Migration of the European Commission.
The Shababuna project looks for stopping disinformation on irregular migration amongst the youth in Morocco, specifically in the Eastern region located in the north-west of the country. The objective is that the youth group between 14 and 25 years old from Morocco’s eastern region gets to know better the risks of irregular migration, the alternatives to migrate through safe means and the opportunities that their territory can offer to them, in collaboration with regional and local institutions.
In January 2020, The Department of Foreign Actions, Institutional Relations and Transparency applied to be the project leader, what was accepted in September 2020 by the Section of Migration and Funds of the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission. In December 2020 the agreement on subsidy between the Department of Foreign Actions and the European Union, represented by the European Commission in the name of the Fund of Asylum, Migration and Integration was signed.
Thus, the project leader (the Department of Foreign Actions, Institutional Relations and Transparency) and their partners (the Catalan Agency of Cooperation for Development, ACCD; the Catalan Fund of Cooperation for Development, FCCD; the County of Skåne, LST SKÅNE; TamaT; the University of Girona and the Autonomous University of Barcelona) have to subscribe an agreement to ensure the correct implementation of the action and development of the agreement signed with the European Commission.
The objective of the committee agreement is, therefore, the creation of this partnership agreeing on the coordination and management amongst the committee members with the aim of ensuring that the action will be correctly implemented.