• The international new commercial event 080 Barcelona Fashion Connect was held on March 23 and 24, having exceeded the expectations of the organizer. The event was jointly promoted by the Departament d’Empresa I Coneixement, through the Consorci de Comerç, and by the Clúster Català de la Moda
  • The event has counted with the participation of 148 international agents and some known Catalan fashion brands such as Desigual, Custo, Silta Murt, Escorpion or Yerse

The international commercial event 080 Barcelona Fashion Connect, held on March 24 and 25, has managed to arouse the interest of almost 150 international buyers from around the world, who have wanted to know the proposals of the thirty Catalan fashion brands that have participated as exhibitors at the contest. This figure is three times bigger than the previous edition one, held in October 2020, also in virtual format and with the presence of 47 international buyers. In addition, the average number of attendees of the eleven face-to-face editions held up to 2019 quadruples.

The platform has registered 900 views of live content for two days -mainly during the presentations of the brands- and 167 reproductions of the recordings, a figure that continues increasing. The platform will remain operational for thirty more days, so the international agents can consult over and over again the contents and to contact the brands directly to make commercial agreements.