After last week the Spanish Court of Auditors summoned to testify former presidents, former councilors and some thirty former senior officials of the Generalitat for the foreign action carried out between 2011 and 2017, the Government has condemned this cause and recalled that it has "full powers in the exercise of foreign action" and, therefore, "they are sentencing us for doing what it is appropriate to do". This was explained by the spokesperson of the Government and Minister of the Presidency, Meritxell Budó, during the appearance after the meeting of the Executive Council, where she added that this fact is a "further proof of an unstoppable repression and whoever thinks that we were in another scenario, it is clear that we were not”.
Budó stressed that "we are now in a new case with people who have suffered reprisals, some of them have even suffered double reprisals as part of other processes" and who have even been tried and convicted. "The aim is to ruin their lives and seek their civil death", he concluded.
During the press conference, the Minister also condemned the femicide of a woman in La Bisbal del Penedès, which took place yesterday allegedly at the hands of her partner, and expressed her condolences to the victim's family. Budó remarked that "we must fight now and always against male violence, it is a priority and must be addressed from all areas of our society because no woman has to be a victim of the male violence for the simple fact of being woman".