With more than 3,000 projects presented, the Catalan knowledge system has a success rate in attracting funding of 17%, 3 points above the European average
The Minister of Business and Knowledge stresses that "the attraction of competitive funds from the Catalan knowledge system is clear evidence of its excellence".
· The agents of the Catalan knowledge system are confident of continuing this upward trend in the new European R+Y support program, Horizon Europe, with 95,500 million euros until 2027.
The Catalan knowledge system has attracted a total of 1,583 million euros between 2014 and 2020 from the European program Horizon 2020, for research and innovation funding. This capacity to attract competitive funds represents 2.5% of the total funding available, well above the weight that Catalonia has with respect to the European Union, both in terms of population, with 1.5%, and GDP, with 1.6%.
The balance of Catalan participation in the H2020 program, and while there are still some calls to be resolved, also shows that, with more than 3,000 projects submitted, Catalonia has a success rate of 17% compared to 14% of the overall average of the program. These data place Catalonia above mature knowledge systems such as Finland and very close to countries of similar size such as Austria and Denmark.
Particularly noteworthy is Catalonia's position in attracting funds for excellent researchers awarded by the European Research Council. Catalan research centers and universities have received more than 380 grants since the beginning of the program, 3.2% of the total number of grants awarded to the countries that make up the European Research Area (ERA).
In the opinion of the Minister of Business and Knowledge, Ramon Tremosa, "the attraction of competitive funds is clear evidence of the excellence of the country's knowledge system". In this sense, the Minister recalls that "as stated in the National Pact for the Knowledge Society, the challenge now is to maintain and advance the quality of Catalan research and innovation and ensure the transfer of knowledge to companies to contribute to the prosperity of the whole country".