- Investments are focused on creating a sustainable, predictive and proactive administration, enhancing user-centered public services, fostering digital skills among staff, and promoting modern and flexible public management.
- The main projects to be promoted include the evolution of the Enterprise Channel towards proactivity and the implementation of Data Science Offices in the areas of the Business One-stop Shop, tourism, trade, industry and industrial safety.

The Government has approved an investment of 4,545,000 euros in the period 2022-2026 to deploy the digital administration in the business area. Specifically, this pluriannuality will be used to cover the ICT needs of the Information Systems Master Plan of the Department of Business and Knowledge (in the area of enterprise), as well as the needs arising from the plan to implement the Business One-stop Shop (VUE) and Law 18/2020, on the facilitation of economic activity.
Both the Information Systems Master Plan, launched in December 2019, and the Business Facilitation Act, passed last December, are aimed at boosting the ICT of the Department of Business and Knowledge to move towards a new digitally transformed administration. The main lines of action are as follows:
1.- Creation of a predictive and proactive administration: to offer proactive services to the companies, which are advanced to their needs in order to help and accompany them in their birth and growth.
2.- Empowerment of user-centered public services: the design of tools and processes must be made taking into account the user experience, both internal and external. By putting the user at the center, it is possible to create services adapted to their needs.
3.- Fostering the digital skills of personnel: ensuring that personnel are familiar with the functionalities of current tools and carrying out change management to help transform the administration as a whole, with the involvement of all professionals.
4.- Promoting modern and flexible public management: promoting a way of working that allows civil servants to perform their tasks in a more efficient and flexible manner, adapting quickly to the new and changing needs of professionals and companies.
5.- Creation of a sustainable administration: with the objective of reducing CO₂ emissions from the administration's information systems, to invest in materials and methodologies that reduce the environmental impact of the systems. In addition, optimize resources to improve environmental performance and seek more efficient processes.
Among the projects to be carried out are the following:
- The evolution of the Enterprise Channel to collect and promote proactivity content, both for entrepreneurs, intermediaries and managers.
- Creation of the Data Science Office of the Business One-stop Shop (VUE), with the main objective of researching data on business activities from a processing point of view, both for the data collected from Enterprise Channel and for the complementary external data that needs to be incorporated into the model. This is the core project to be able to generate proactivity, from which it will be possible to make both individual recommendations to companies (identification of algorithms to generate proactivity pills) and more strategic and structural forecasts on companies and intermediaries.
- Creation of the Tourism Data Science Office, with the objective of forecasting tourism behavior through data science techniques. The origin of the data will be mainly external to the tourism sector, and will also incorporate data from the tourism sector collected in recent years by the Directorate General of Tourism. The methodology applied to this Office will be analogous to the VUE one.
- Creation of the Trade, Industry and Industrial Safety Data Science Offices, with the objective of generating knowledge in each sector from both data available from the administration and external data, with a methodology similar to that of the VUE's Data Science Office. For the case of commerce and industrial safety, one of the main aspects to take notice of is to generate intelligence for inspections. For the Industry and Trade areas, the promotion and behavior of the sectors are also crucial.
- Technological upgrading of current systems. It is essential to implement technological improvements to maintain the operational functionalities of the Department's back office systems, which require technological adaptation to current architectures, which are more scalable and provide better performance.