• The head of the Executive has met this afternoon with the Minister-President of Flanders, Jan Jambon, at the Palau of the Catalan Government.
  • Pere Aragonès thanked Jan Jambon for his "explicit support for amnesty and self-determination as a way to resolve the conflict between Catalonia and the Spanish State".
New Catalonia-Flanders plan for collaboration between the two countries
The president of the Catalan Government during the meeting with the minister-president of Flanders.
The President of the Catalan Government, Pere Aragonès, announced this afternoon, after meeting with the Minister-President of Flanders, Jan Jambon, that with this meeting "we have begun to lay the foundations for the new Catalonia-Flanders plan, which will be approved next year and which will set the space and framework for collaboration between the two countries".

This new agreement, which has as a  precedent the 2019-2021 plan, "we want to focus it as a priority on the revival of the respective economies to overcome the crisis which makes our economic systems much stronger and to maximize the impact of investments derived, for example, from the European Next Generation funds", explained the president in a joint appearance with the minister-president of Flanders.

The President of the Catalan Government thanked the Minister-President of Flanders for his "explicit support for amnesty and self-determination as a way to resolve the conflict between Catalonia and Spain". And he stressed that "he is the highest representative of one of the European nations that has most understood what has happened in Catalonia in recent years and that has shown the most solidarity towards the aspirations for freedom of the Catalan nation".

During the meeting, the two leaders shared the need to act in a more coordinated manner within the European Union, "reinforcing the evidence that governments like ours must have direct access to the European institutions and a greater participation in all decisions on European funds for recovery and reconstruction".

The President and the Minister-President also agreed "on the will to strengthen the cooperation of the two governments in the face of the challenges we share", after a meeting with which "we strengthen the ties of friendship and collaboration between the people of Flanders and Catalonia", Pere Aragonès emphasized.



Pere Aragonès and Jam Jambon

Pere Aragonès and Jam Jambon 291

Honor book signing

Honor book signing 290


Meeting 318