- The Dialogue and Negotiation Table held today between the two executives in La Moncloa has allowed the signing of a second agreement that removes the conflict with Catalan from the courts and protects the regulatory framework approved by the Parliament of Catalonia that makes it impossible to impose linguistic percentages in schools.
- The Minister of the Presidency, Laura Vilagrà Pons, stated that the strategy of judicialization "has only served to exacerbate the conflict" and defended that "we are here to address the political conflict through a negotiation process with guarantees and equality
The Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Spanish government have agreed to promote before the end of the year the legislative reforms that must end the repression and judicialization of the independence movement. During the dialogue and negotiation table, held today in La Moncloa, it was also agreed to remove Catalan from the courts and protect it by supporting the current regulatory framework approved by the Parliament of Catalonia that makes it impossible to impose percentages on schools.
The Minister of the Presidency, Laura Vilagrà Pons, informed after the meeting between the two executives that the Agreement to Overcome Judicialization and Reinforce guarantees includes the commitment "to promote and do everything possible to approve, during the next sessions, the legislative reforms that make effective this end of judicialization and its effects, taking as a reference the recommendations of European and international institutions and organizations."
In this sense, the minister stressed that the judicialization has shown that "it has only served to exacerbate the conflict" and defended that "we are here to address the political conflict through a negotiation process with guarantees and on equal terms". The Agreement also recognizes and states that "the political solution involves meeting the democratic demands endorsed by a broad and transversal social majority".
The Minister of the Presidency stressed that "only if we overcome judicialization and its effects, as an essential preliminary step, will we be able to deal with the resolution of the underlying political conflict and do so on equal terms".
Vilagrà celebrated that this dialogue and negotiation table has made it possible to address the Agreement for the Protection and Promotion of the Catalan Language, which puts an end to the judicial process that the Catalan language has experienced and the recognition that this "can never be an element of social, political or judicial confrontation".
The head of the Department of the Presidency has emphasized that the agreement "supports the current regulatory framework approved by the Parliament of Catalonia which reinforces the linguistic model of the Catalan school" and that "it makes it impossible to impose linguistic percentages on schools".
In this way, according to Vilagrà, "the Spanish government definitively buries the systematic recourse to the judicial battle against the educational model of Catalonia".
In addition, the agreement also contemplates promoting the right to use the Catalan language in parliament, as well as in the European Parliament, ensuring its use as a right of petition before the institution.
"Addressing dejudicialisation is essential, but until citizens can vote for their political future in freedom, we will be far from resolving the underlying political conflict", concluded the Minister of the Presidency, Laura Vilagrà Pons.