1. The event was also attended by Olena Korzhykova, vice-president of the Association of Educational Programmes Open Europe, and Halyna Artykh, the exhibition curator
Minister Serret and Ukrainian Ambassador to the European Union visit the “Life conquers death. Ukraine today” exhibition at the Espai Catalunya Europa in Brussels{"name":"2023/05/26/15/15/fd3ffdfd-e7eb-499d-8759-3b5b37ffdaef.jpg","author":"EXT","type":"0","location":"0","weight":69277}

The Minister for Foreign Action and European Union, Meritxell Serret i Aleu, took part in the presentation of the exhibition “Life conquers death. Ukraine today” at the Government Delegation to the European Union’s Espai Catalunya Europa.

Serret restated Catalonia’s commitment to ending the war and post-conflict reconstruction. “We cannot forget that the war in Ukraine is a highly exceptional event that must end as soon as possible,” said Serret at the opening of the exhibition. “We can see the hope and resilience of the Ukrainian people,” she said. The Minister pointed out that “Art makes things happen, encourages critical thinking and calls on our best qualities of empathy and responsiveness.”

“Since the beginning of the Russian invasion, all European eyes have been on Ukraine, to provide a joint, effective response,” explained the Minister, reiterating that the Government of Catalonia “condemned the invasion from the first moment and has worked with the Ukrainian authorities in Barcelona to provide the necessary humanitarian aid.” “The time has come to move forward,” said Serret, “Ukraine can count on Europe’s support and expertise to preserve its democracy and sovereignty, and assist it in the process of joining the European Union.” In this regard, a few weeks ago the Government of Catalonia joined the European Alliance of Cities and Regions for the Reconstruction of Ukraine. 

The ambassador and head of the Ukrainian mission to the European Union, Vsevolod Chentsov, noted that “through cooperation with cities and regions we can achieve great things, and soon we will be able to rebuild a stronger, more resilient Ukraine.”“Europe and Ukraine will re-emerge thanks to the warmth of your heart,” he stressed, and reiterated that “we need your help to move forward.”

The visit to the exhibition was also attended by the vice-president of the Association of Educational Programmes Open Europe, Olena Korzhykova, the curator of the exhibition, Halyna Artykh, and the Government of Catalonia delegate to the European Union, Ignasi Centelles Santana. Also present were the vice-president of Occitania, Nadia Pellefigue, and the Catalan Government's director-general for Digital Administration, Núria Espuny i Salvadó.

Art against war

The exhibition “Life conquers death. Ukraine Today,” which will run until 16 June at the Espai Catalunya Europa, is a collection of works by Ukrainian artists who, with their brush strokes that reflect the latest trends in visual arts, illustrate both the tragedy of the war and the hope in the struggle for their lives and for the freedom of Ukraine.

The exhibition was organised in conjunction with the Catalan Association of Educational Programmes Open Europe. The exhibition was created with the support of Pictoric Illustrators Club, a community of Ukrainian illustrators, artists and graphic designers that creates international projects to promote high-quality contemporary illustration in Ukraine and abroad, with the participation of artists from other countries.

Prior to the event, Serret met with the Ukrainian ambassador to the European Union, Vsevolod Chentsov.