1. The CRE Programme “Catalan for young Catalans living abroad” is a proposal of the Institut Obert de Catalunya (IOC) aimed at young Catalans aged 12 to 17 living abroad to improve their oral and written communication skills in Catalan

Through the Institut Obert de Catalunya, the Government of Catalonia reinforces the teaching of Catalan abroad by offering young Catalans aged 12 to 17 living abroad an asynchronous online course to improve their oral and written communication skills in Catalan. The CRE Programme Catalan for young Catalans living abroad encourages immersion in Catalan culture from a global and open perspective, and is aimed at people who are already familiar with Catalan, responding to a variety of levels of language use. 

The tool allows for great flexibility and adapts to the different rhythms, interests and time availability of the people concerned, as it is linked to school calendars all over the world. Families will be able to monitor their children's reports and contact the teachers, as the course is designed so that young people can follow it independently, but with the support of their families. 

Enrolment is annual and entitles the student to follow the CRE, with the desired time commitment, for one academic year. Enrolment will be formalised from 15 to 25 September, but the registration form is already available online. You can also write to the e-mail addresscre@ioc.catfor further information and queries. 

The course thus becomes yet another tool for learning Catalan abroad in line with the Strategic Plan for Foreign Action and European Union Relations 2023-2026, which promotes the teaching of Catalan abroad, reinforces Catalan in Catalan expatriate communities and increases its presence in other countries. 

The IOC is the distance learning institute of the Ministry of Education, which offers citizens a wide range of training and allows them to study in a flexible way, adapted to their needs. 

Catalan is growing beyond our borders

For decades now, both Aranese and Catalan have been taught through the Catalan communities abroad, both face-to-face and online. In 2023 alone, the Ministry for Foreign Action and European Union has allocated 164,000 euros to the initiative and 700,000 euros over the last five years. 

The Catalan school system for children living abroad has recently been exported to London, where the experience will begin next year, and could soon be joined by Berlin. This initiative responds to the growing demand for Catalan language teaching among children living abroad, which is currently provided in the Catalan communities themselves or the so-called Catalan schools, with standardised methodology and planning.