• This vehicle development complex focuses on engineering services, certification, and testing on test tracks, launched through the collaboration of the Chinese company Linglong and Applus+ IDIADA
  • The Catalan Minister of Business and Labour, Roger Torrent i Ramió, opened the vehicle prototype simulation centre and test tracks of the Catalan company IDIADA in the Chinese city of Zhaoyuan on Sunday. Called IDIADA China Proving Ground, it is a facility similar to the company's test centre in Catalonia, where around 100 vehicles are tested daily.

    At this complex, IDIADA offers engineering, certification and test track assessment services to the automotive industry operating in China, both for local and international manufacturers. The complex consists of 18 first-class test tracks and 84 fully equipped workshops, covering a total surface area of 150 hectares. The Catalan company is promoting this project together with Linglong Tire, one of the leading tyre manufacturers in China, which also has a test and development base at the IDIADA tracks in El Baix Penedès.

    According to Minister Torrent, "IDIADA is a leading company in the field of engineering not only in Catalonia, but also at the international level, and today this is reflected in the simulation centre in which we are deploying the latest technological innovations in a sector as fundamental as the automotive industry". According to Torrent, "IDIADA's role in China is a clear example of collaboration between this country and Catalonia in a key industry for both territories".

    According to the director of the Catalan company in the Asia-Pacific region, Alexandre Català, IDIADA is "positioned as a benchmark company in the sector due to the quality of the facilities we operate and the services we offer". "Among other technologies, we offer hybrid services between simulation and testing using a latest-generation Driving Simulator", said Català in reference to the driving simulation technology that is used on the complex's test track to evaluate the performance of vehicle prototypes in a variety of circumstances. IDIADA opened this simulation centre in 2021, but it has not been fully operational initially as a result of the pandemic.

    Official trip to strengthen commercial ties with China

    Accompanied by the Director-General for Industry, Oriol Alcoba i Malaspina, and the Director of ACCIÓ in Hong Kong and Shanghai, Madrona Marcet, the Catalan Minister of Business and Labour is leading an official trip to China which will last until Friday with the aim of promoting the business opportunities offered by Catalonia, attracting new foreign investment projects and strengthening commercial relations between the two countries.

    The mission, which began last week in Hong Kong, continued in mainland China, with visits and meetings in the areas of Shenzhen, Wuhu, Shanghai and Yantai. The official trip was organised by the Foreign Trade and Investment Office of ACCIÓ – the Ministry of Business and Labour agency for business competitiveness – in Hong Kong and received support from the Consulate General of China in Barcelona.

    The agenda of the official visit included, among other things, several working meetings with local institutional authorities and with Chinese companies such as Chery, Jinqingron Garment and Wanhua; meetings with companies in the field of technology, and this event with representatives of the Catalan company IDIADA.



    El conseller Torrent i el director general d'Indústria a la seu d'IDIADA a la Xina, amb representants del projecte.

    El conseller Torrent i el director general d'Indústria a la seu d'IDIADA a la Xina, amb representants del projecte. 4105785