1. The Joint Action Days 2023 were carried out with the support of Interpol, Eurojust and Frontex, as well as a number of international and institutional partners who took part in these large-scale coordinated operational actions

Joint Action Days 2023 took place between 13 and 18 November this year with the participation of 26 countries from all over Europe – including non-EU countries such as Albania, Moldova, Serbia and Ukraine – in the framework of the Europol-led European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats (EMPACT), which focuses on the fight against firearms, illegal immigration and the fight against cannabis, cocaine and heroin.

The Joint Action Days (JAD) are designed to promote closer cooperation in the fight against these threats between the countries of the Western Balkans region, EU Member States and various European and international agencies and organisations, together with Europol, Interpol, Eurojust and Frontex.

In Catalonia, the Mossos d’Esquadra, the regional police force, took part in the “Joint Action Days Southeast Europe 2023” (JAD SEE 2023). Various operational activities were carried out in different parts of Catalonia, including controls in border areas, inspections of groups of interest, dissemination of reports on seizures and arrests, joint analysis of information, review of documentation, exchanges of information and joint patrols, among others.

The JAD SEE 2023 took place in two phases: operations and intelligence. In relation to the strictly operational phase, the Mossos d’Esquadra carried out a total of nine police checks. A total of 254 officers took part in these controls, identifying around 130 people and 20 vehicles. In addition, several transport reports were made, and 12,000 euros in cash were seized.

With the information shared among participating countries during JAD SEE 2023, criminal groups related to criminal activities involved in JAD have been identified in EU and Western Balkan countries. Intelligence was also obtained on established arms and drug trafficking routes, modus operandi employed, along with knowledge of the type of weapons and narcotic substances seized in operational actions in participating countries.