1. In just three days, 110,000 women have ordered their product: more than 59,000 products have already been distributed and almost 51,000 have been reserved and will be picked up in the coming hours.
  2. Menstrual briefs are the most requested product (48.2%), followed by the menstrual cup (34.1%) and reusable cloth sanitary pads (17.7%).
  3. Women aged between 30 and 49 account for 55.1% of the total number of people who have requested a reusable menstrual product.
  4. This action by the Government makes Catalonia the first country in the world to distribute free reusable menstrual products universally.

The Catalan Minister of Equality and Feminisms, Tània Verge Mestre, has announced today in El Penedès new figures on the results of the action “My period, my rules”, which was launched on Monday by the Government of Catalonia: “My period, my rules is proving to be a resounding success throughout the country, with a massive response from the women of Catalonia, showing how necessary it was to put the right to menstrual equality at the centre of the agenda”, stressed the Minister at the start of her speech.

As detailed by the Minister, during the first three days of the campaign, more than 275,000 QR codes have been downloaded from the La Meva Salut app, and 110,000 women have already gone to pharmacies to order their reusable menstrual product. “We also want to celebrate the social conversation that this action has generated, which has allowed us to break taboos and talk openly about something so natural that our bodies experience, such as menstruation and the menopause”, added the Minister, referencing the great response to the action “My period, my rules”. “Today we have a fairer country, fulfilling this triple objective: for economic savings, for menstrual health and for the reduction of waste”, remarked Tània Verge.

As of Thursday, more than 59,000 products (59,125) have already been dispensed at Catalan pharmacies participating in this action, and almost 51,000 products (50,875) have been reserved and will be collected in the coming hours. By type, the product that has generated most demand is menstrual briefs, with 48.2% of collections (28,493). They are followed by menstrual cups, with 34.1% (20,176) and, finally, reusable cloth sanitary pads, with 17.7% (10,456).

In terms of age groups, the women who have visited pharmacies the most during these first three days to collect their reusable menstrual product are those aged between 40 and 49 (27.9%) and those aged between 30 and 39 (27.2%). In total, women aged between 30 and 49 account for 55.1% of the total number of people who have requested a reusable menstrual product. They are followed by women aged between 20 and 29, who account for 21%, women aged 50 to 60, who account for 13.1%, and finally women aged 10 to 19, who account for 10.9%. The action, like the entire Menstrual and Menopause Equity Plan in which it is included, has a trans-inclusive approach and is therefore also aimed at non-binary people and trans* men who menstruate.

International Women’s Day (8M) in El Penedès

Minister Tània Verge made this assessment of the campaign in Sitges, in the Garraf region, where she visited one of the pharmacies in the city that has joined the initiative, accompanied by the Government Delegate in El Penedès, David Alquézar Claramunt, and the Director of Territorial Services for the Ministry of Equality and Feminisms in El Penedès, Glòria Clota Marzà.

With regard to the figures for El Penedès, the Minister explained that 3,311 reusable menstrual products have already been dispensed in the region, of which 987 have been collected in El Garraf and 142 in Sitges.

After the visit to the pharmacy, the Minister of Equality and Feminisms took part in the event to commemorate International Women’s Day in El Penedès, “Ni una gota de tabúes” (Not a single drop of taboo), at the Casal Cultural Miramar, which this year is discussing sexual and reproductive rights. The day was opened by the Mayoress of Sitges, Aurora Carbonell, and included a round table of experiences with the participation of Carme Echevarría Ramos, coordinator of ASSIR Garraf; Neus Martínez Català, pharmacist in Les Roquetes; Anna Rovira Clavé, psychologist in charge of Emotional Wellbeing and Health at ABS Baix Penedès Interior, and Míriam Casado Aguilera, midwife at Hospital del Vendrell.

The 8M event in El Penedès was closed by the Minister for Equality and Feminisms herself. Verge wanted to thank all those who have fought to guarantee sexual and reproductive rights. “To the activists who helped women to have an abortion when it was punishable; to those who protested in the 70s and 80s and again in the 2000s; to the feminist organisations that work for women’s health; to all the health professionals who watch over our sexual and reproductive rights every day, especially midwives and gynaecologists. To the pharmacists who are ensuring that all menstruating women and menstruating people in the country can exercise their right to menstrual equity. To all of you, thank you very much. This 8th March, International Women’s Day, we recognise and thank you for your struggle and we vindicate the progress made in sexual and reproductive rights thanks to the strength of feminism”.

My period, my rules

On Monday, the Ministry of Equality and Feminisms kicked off the action “My period, my rules”, based on the free and universal distribution of reusable menstrual products and included in the Comprehensive Plan for Menstrual and Menopause Equity 2023-2025. This is an unprecedented measure in the world that guarantees the right to menstrual equity, that is, it ensures access to reusable menstrual products to all women in Catalonia, as well as to receive quality information and support.

To obtain the product of your choice, you need only present the QR code, individual and non-transferable, which you will obtain through the New Features section: ‘My period, my rules’ of the digital health space La Meva Salut (both via website and mobile app). It is important to bear in mind that, if using the mobile phone app, it must be up to date. If, however, the QR code does not appear, a form has been enabled in the app to request it.

At the time of delivery, the pharmacists will simply explain the menstrual products that are distributed and will help each person to choose the product that best suits their needs, creating a space of trust where they can express themselves and share their doubts and concerns. It is for this reason that it is recommended to go to the pharmacy in good time, so that you can choose the best product after receiving all the information and specialised advice.

The delivery of the product will be immediate, provided that the pharmacy has available units of the chosen product. If this is not the case, it can be ordered, as is customary with other products and medications, and will be available within a maximum of 48 hours.



La consellera Verge a la farmàcia de Sitges

La consellera Verge a la farmàcia de Sitges 3351657

Acte del 8M al Penedès amb parlament de la directora territorial

Acte del 8M al Penedès amb parlament de la directora territorial 5378688

La consellera amb el delegat, la directora territorial, l'alcaldessa i la farmacèutica.

La consellera amb el delegat, la directora territorial, l'alcaldessa i la farmacèutica. 2432015

Una usuària recull el producte de la seva elecció

Una usuària recull el producte de la seva elecció 2899604

Detall de l'entrega dels productes

Detall de l'entrega dels productes 4206120

Detall dels productes

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