1. This brings the Government’s contribution to 1.6 million euros to UN agencies providing aid to Palestine, an increase of 15% over last year

The Government of Catalonia will next week approve a new contribution of 800,000 euros to UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, to continue responding to the humanitarian emergency in Gaza.

The Minister for Foreign Action and European Union, Meritxell Serret i Aleu, made the announcement today at Pompeu Fabra University, where the round table “Humanitarian crisis in Gaza: challenges of cooperation and universities” was held, with the participation of representatives from UNRWA, Médecins Sans Frontières, Oxfam Intermón and the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation.

With this new contribution, the Government reaffirms its pledge to address the humanitarian emergency in Gaza and does so with a clear commitment to the United Nations system. In fact, the Government had already awarded UNRWA a grant, also worth 800,000 euros, last October.

“Catalan solidarity is always there, whether there are budgets or not”, said the minister, who regretted that the accounts for 2024 were blocked in the Catalan Parliament. Specifically, the budget earmarked 47.8 million euros for development cooperation policies, the highest figure in the last 15 years.

Serret explained that the forecast for this year is to make a contribution of 1.6 million euros to United Nations agencies providing aid to Palestine, an increase of 15% compared to 2023.

The Government’s position on the Gaza crisis

Serret made it clear that the Government has maintained a firm position on the crisis in Gaza“from day one”.

On behalf of the Government, the minister condemned the indiscriminate attacks against the civilian population and demanded an immediate and permanent ceasefire, as called for by the United Nations Security Council resolution, and the release of hostages.

“The Hamas attack was absolutely unjustifiable, but the right to legitimate self-defence does not justify in any case the human rights violations that are taking place and Israel’s serious actions,” said Serret.

“We insist on the need to comply with international humanitarian law and to recognise the dictates of the United Nations,” she added. Serret has also demanded a halt to arms trade with Israel.

She called for the recognition of the Palestinian state in order to move towards a stable resolution of the conflict.

Finally, she gave full support to the people of Israel and Palestine, “who want to live in peace and freedom and with all their rights guaranteed”.

The round table“Humanitarian crisis in Gaza: challenges of cooperation and universities” with a welcome address given by the rector of Pompeu Fabra University, Laia de Nadal, was attended by Vicenç Margalef, director of the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation, and representatives of humanitarian organisations:Raquel González, coordinator of Médecins Sans Frontières in Spain;Fran Cortada, Director General of Oxfam Intermón; and Arnau Selga, UNRWA representative in Catalonia. The session was moderated by Andrés González Nandín, professor at Pompeu Fabra University and coordinator of Diari de Barcelona.