1. The 38 member entities have agreed to change the name of the consortium, which until now was DIPLOCAT, and have approved new Statutes

La consellera d'Acció Exterior i Unió Europea, Meritxell Serret i Aleu
Minister Meritxell Serret and the general secretary of Catalunya Internacional, Laura Foraster, this Wednesday at the headquarters of the consortium
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DIPLOCAT, the public-private consortium working for the internationalisation of Catalonia, has been renamed Catalunya Internacional with the approval of new Statutes.

Thus, seven years after the Spanish Government applied Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution against the Generalitat de Catalunya, which led to the dismissal of DIPLOCAT professionals, “Catalunya Internacional has not only not been liquidated, but is taking a step forward, further strengthening its work to internationalise Catalonia”, celebrated Catalan Minister for Foreign Action and European Union, Meritxell Serret i Aleu.

“We are strengthening our capacity to build good relations on all levels: cultural, social, economic and institutional, from the local world to the Generalitat”, added Serret.

Catalunya Internacional is made up of 38 entities, including the main public institutions and municipal entities; business, social, trade union and sports organisations; and universities, business schools and academic centres, which have committed to modernising the consortium’s brand and have brought the 2012 Statutes into line with the new public sector legal system regulations.

It has a long history: from Patronat Català Pro Europa in 1982, to Patronat Catalunya Món in 2007 and DIPLOCAT in 2012, to the current Catalunya Internacional.

We are working together in favour of this presence, influence and capacity for relations of the country as a whole on an international level,” concluded the Minister, also praising the work of the 21 delegations of the Catalan Government abroad, ACCIÓ, the Catalan Tourist Board, the Catalan Institute for Cultural Companies, the Ramon Llull Institute, Prodeca and the large Catalan expat community.



La consellera Serret ha saludat els treballadors de Catalunya Internacional

La consellera Serret ha saludat els treballadors de Catalunya Internacional 524819

La consellera Meritxell Serret, la secretària general de Catalunya Internacional, Laura Foraster, i el secretari d'Acció Exterior del Govern, Miquel Royo, han mantingut una reunió a la seu del consorci

La consellera Meritxell Serret, la secretària general de Catalunya Internacional, Laura Foraster, i el secretari d'Acció Exterior del Govern, Miquel Royo, han mantingut una reunió a la seu del consorci 478265

La consellera Serret, acompanyada de la secretària general de Catalunya Internacional, Laura Foraster, durant l'atenció als mitjans de comunicació

La consellera Serret, acompanyada de la secretària general de Catalunya Internacional, Laura Foraster, durant l'atenció als mitjans de comunicació 482490